Driver’s attention with eyeTracker glasses

Where do drivers’ eyes go on the roads and what distracts them? Two of our students – Marel Valent and Adam Koričanský – are dealing with this topic in their bachelor thesis. During the experiment, which is a key part of their work, 20 drivers, 10 women and 10 men, got into their own or borrowed cars. Individual drivers have different experiences behind the wheel, from complete beginners to participants who have made a living as a driver. Each of them got Tobii Glass 2 glasses, which very precisely track where a person looks and what they see. Marcel and Adam must now analyze and evaluate the collected data. The supervisor of both works is Dr. Marek Galinski from the Automotive Innovation Lab, glasses for the experiment were lent by the research team Vision & Graphics at FIIT STU. Dr. Miroslav Laco, who is a member of this group an expert on Human-Machine Interaction will also be a consultant in the processing of data from that experiment.