Research Projects & Cooperations

Within our labs, we are working on several projects connected to intelligent safety using the digital-twin approach and advanced V2X communication approaches. This page provides a brief overview of currently running projects within the AIL research group.

Lab Projects

Connected Collision Detection (ConColDe)

The project aims to develop and implement a V2X (vehicle-to-everything) communication system prototype that delivers safety-critical alerts to vehicles in order to avoid collisions that are beyond the range of human vision. This system will enable real-time communication between vehicles and infrastructure, as well as other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians, providing warnings of any potential hazards. The…

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Vehicle digital twin for driving dynamics

Within the framework of AIL, researchers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are dedicated to the creation of a digital twin of a vehicle and at the same time to the creation of a virtual environment for testing the driving dynamics of such a twin. These two areas are closely related and their connecting element is the autonomous driving of…

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Testing the sensoric readability of Slovak Roads

Together with Ministry of Transport of Slovak Republic, AIL researchers will test the sensory readability of horizontal and vertical traffic signs on selected sections of roads in the territory of the Slovak capital, highways, roads I., II. and III. classes. The measurements will be taken repeatedly on the agreed road sections to cover different light and weather conditions. All measured…

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AIL 5G Standalone Lab Network

Together with Ericsson Slovakia, the AIL research group has embarked on a project to build a standalone 5G lab that is based on Ericsson technology. The lab will be used to test advanced V2X (vehicle-to-everything) applications on a physical model. The physical model will simulate real-world traffic scenarios, allowing the researchers to test and validate the effectiveness of the V2X…

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Projects funded by national grants

This page contains list of projects researched within AIL research group that are funded using national grants: APVV-19-0401 – AI powered digital twin for automated mobility vehicles (07/2020 – 06/2023), Principal investigator: FME STU, partner: FIIT STU APVV-20-0346 – Legal and technical aspects of deploying autonomous vehicles (08/2021 – 12/2023), Principal investigator: Faculty of Law, Comenius University Bratislava, partners: FME…

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