Smart mobility data collection from bus line 30 in Žilina

ŽILINA. Technological devices were installed on the bus of the Transport Company of the City of Žilina (DPMŽ) on Tuesday, which will collect data on line number 30 on Wednesday (April 21) and Thursday (April 22) as part of the smart mobility pilot project.

According to Adriana Valentovičová from the department for international relations and marketing of UNIZA, the collected data will be analyzed and evaluated from the point of view of static infrastructure (traffic signs, buildings, city lighting system) and dynamic infrastructure (movement of pedestrians, other means of transport, animals). “By analyzing the collected data, it will be possible to create the necessary algorithms for the ‘training’ of automated and autonomous vehicles,” she elaborated.

She added that UNIZA and DPMŽ agreed on a memorandum of cooperation to support scientific research and innovation activities.

“The project consists of several phases. UNIZA is the solver of the third phase, in which data is collected over two days. The project in Žilina is led by the Department of International Research Projects (OMVP) – ERAdiate+ in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEIT) of UNIZA and the Faculty of Management and Informatics (FRI) UNIZA,” said Valentovičová.

“The route of the bus line was chosen due to the variety of road infrastructure it passes through. We believe that thanks to the collected data and their analysis, we will again be better prepared for future research and innovation projects in autonomous mobility not only within Slovakia, but also within the framework of the upcoming EC framework program Horizon Europe,” said head of OMVP – ERAdiate+ Tatiana Kováčiková.

The project is implemented in cooperation with STU Bratislava, with the support of the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic. The technological partner of the project is Siemens.

“Thanks to the top research and mutual cooperation of the project partners, we can not only acquire unique know-how in the field of smart mobility, but also keep up with the developed world and modern technologies,” pointed out UNIZA vice-rector for science and research Pavol Rafajdus.

Original article in slovak language: