- Editorial Board
- Remediation of chaos in cognitive Internet of Things sensor network
- Deep Reinforcement Learning and SQP-driven task offloading decisions in vehicular edge computing networks
- ArchW3: An adaptive blockchain wallet architecture for Web3 applications
- Decentralized traffic detection utilizing blockchain-federated learning with quality-driven aggregation
- RAGN: Detecting unknown malicious network traffic using a robust adaptive graph neural network
- SK-CFR: Rerouting critical flows through discrete soft actor-critic within the KP-GNN framework
- Editorial Board
- Resiliency focused proactive lifecycle management for stateful microservices in multi-cluster containerized environments
- Social network botnet attack mitigation model for cloud
- Editorial Board
- Yardstick-Stackelberg pricing-based incentive mechanism for Federated Learning in Edge Computing
- Securing cross-domain data access with decentralized attribute-based access control
- A vehicular network multipath management algorithm based on vehicular traffic
- Joint subcarrier assignment and power allocation for UAV-assisted air-ground integrated full-duplex OFDMA networks
- The Connected Bus: Revolutionizing Urban Transit [Automotive Electronics]
- Connecting the Mobile World With VTS [President’s Message]
- Standards and New Projects in Review in December 2024 [Standards]
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Bylaws Changes [Society News]
- IEEE Moving
- Front Cover
- VTC2025-Fall
- IEEE Feedback
- Vehicular Technology Magazine Staff List
- Welcome to the March 2025 Issue [From the Editor]
- March 2025 Land Transportation News [Transportation Systems]
- IEEE App
- Upcoming VTC
- Making Smarter and Faster Mobile Networks: When the Edge Meets AI [Mobile Radio]
- 6G Horizons: Toward Intelligent and Sustainable Connectivity [From the Guest Editors]
- Congratulations IEEE Fellows
- Table of Contents
- IEEE DataPort
- AoI-Guaranteed UAV Crowdsensing: A UGV-assisted deep reinforcement learning approach
- Dynamic reconfiguration of wireless sensor networks: A survey
- MAID: Mobility-aware information dissemination in mobile IoT using temporal point processes
- Intelligent and Efficient Metaverse Rendering and Caching in UAV-Aided Vehicular Edge Computing
- Multi-relation-pattern knowledge graph embeddings for link prediction in hyperbolic space
- SQID: A Deep Learning and Network Design Synergy for Next-Generation IoT Resource Allocation Management
- A defense mechanism for federated learning in AIoT through critical gradient dimension extraction
- Energy-efficient Nonuniform Cluster-based Routing Protocol with Q-Learning for UASNs
- WSN-based wildlife localization framework in dense forests through optimization techniques
- Joint optimization of VNF deployment and UAV trajectory planning in Multi-UAV-enabled mobile edge networks
- Hidden AS link prediction based on random forest feature selection and GWO-XGBoost model
- A Trust and Bundling-based Task Allocation Scheme to Enhance Completion Rate and Data Quality for Mobile Crowdsensing
- Design and evaluation of an Autonomous Cyber Defence agent using DRL and an augmented LLM
- Attention model-driven MADDPG algorithm for delay and cost-aware placement of service function chains in 5G
- Protecting an entity by hiding its role in anonymity networks
- Optimizing UAV delivery for pervasive systems through blockchain integration and adversarial machine learning
- LM-Hunter: An NLP-Powered Graph Method for Detecting Adversary Lateral Movements in APT Cyber-Attacks at Scale
- Time-Aware and Direction-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query
- Scanning the Issue
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Information
- Table of Contents
- Self-Homodyne Digital-Analog Radio-over-Fiber Fronthaul: Principle, Architecture, and Prospects
- Key Focus Areas and Enabling Technologies for 6G
- Active queue management in 5G and beyond cellular networks using Machine Learning
- Authenticated data visualization for hybrid blockchain-based digital product passports
- Enabling efficient collection and usage of network performance metrics at the edge
- UGL: A comprehensive hybrid model integrating GCN and LSTM for enhanced intrusion detection in UAV controller area networks
- CAEAID: An incremental contrast learning-based intrusion detection framework for IoT networks
- Soft failure detection and identification in optical networks using cascaded deep learning model
- Editorial Board
- Towards Green Networking: Efficient Dynamic Radio Resource Management in Open-RAN Slicing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning
- Editorial Board
- The Scalable Octagonal-Cross-By-Pass-Torus Topology for the On-Chip-Communication
- AUV-aided isolated sub-network prevention for reliable data collection by underwater wireless sensor networks
- Design of a Provable Secure Lightweight Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol for autonomous vehicles in IoT systems
- Collaborative cloud-edge task scheduling scheme in the networked UAV Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) territories based on deep reinforcement learning model
- Dynamic pricing and scheduling in LEO satellite networks
- Computer network optimization using the power metric for multiple flows: Part I
- A lattice-based privacy-preserving decentralized multi-party payment scheme
- Enhancing the ACME protocol to automate the management of all X.509 web certificates (Extended version)
- In-time conditional handover for B5G/6G
- Editorial Board
- Table of Contents
- Series Editorial: Optical Communications and Networks
- ComSoc Young Professionals Committee and Activities
- Advertisters Index
- Communications History: A Look Back
- Comsoc Membership
- Conference Calendar
- TechRivx
- Comsoc Training-ORAN
- Call for Papers
- Call for Papers
- Comsoc Training-INT
- Comsoc Technical Committees
- Cover 2
- Achieving Distributed MIMO Performance with Repeater-Assisted Cellular Massive MIMO
- IEEE Access
- Cover 4
- IEEE Collabratec
- Guest Editorial: Digital Twins Meet Artificial Intelligence In 6g: Part I
- Edge Perception: Intelligent Wireless Sensing at Network Edge
- Cover 3
- IEEE Foundation
- Comsoc Publications
- Global Communications Newsletter